lunes, 25 de enero de 2010


For philosophers, is the most wonderful word of the Castilian language.
For science, is a sensation caused by hormones that the human body possesses, and which we perceive through a substance which we call ^ ^ testosterone, which runs through our system to reach an erection in men as in women.
For healers, is a cause or excúza to produce brujerias the heart.
For individuals, is neither more nor less than a great joy, which causes those famous: butterflies in the belly ^ ^. but so many times, causing pain, depression, anxiety, a lot of anguish ... because love hurts.
When you have a lot, it makes you sufrir.Y scarcity, sesa no pain.
the heart and never conforms to the bowels panic.
For artists, it's inspiring muse.

But beyond all the provisions ...-¿ What is love?
Does a necessary and addictive drug we need to consume daily?
Perhaps a sense inevitable?. I do not know '.

Sometimes, watching the couples. I see a glow on their faces
and in their eyes, a reaction sublime, which is locked in an embrace.
Often mata.y you love so many, I rescued from the brink.
Perhaps it is that life without love is worthless in this country?
Is that cause for which Christ was crucified, indeed, was the love of their neighbors?

It is a very complex issue about love.
So, for once, put aside the slogans and answers.
I'll open the heart wide open and I will surrender to its charms by name.
And if you're afraid to fall in love, I know that this strange but attractive perceive, is the fundamental reason why: we're born, GROW, live and die.
Everything ... in the name of love.


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